Just fill out application and it will then be reviewed!
Age: 41 <3
Gender: Cookie Monster
Timezone: I live below you
Minecraft name: xProNinja
Previous Facshun: Teemo
Skype?: Yea
Why do I want to join Illuminus: b cuz booyah <3 noob moar than k8 k8 is great, k8 kill me and takes booyah an I cri evrytiem. Heil feenix much power such fire. Pheonixxxzzwsd
Age: Skyrun02
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT0
Minecraft name: u know it
Pervious faction: Vindictus
Skype: Yea
Why do I want to join: Im looking for a new powerful faction to join and to join the otherside of the war, this faction is already known and popular throught out CubeBuilders, Im looking for a faction that I can support and can support me. Id like a new faction thats helpful and will have a say and some power over other people. Im looking forward to being able to turn the sides and possible crush Factions. It would be enjoyment for me and for the faction. Also Im looking for a super active faction. Id like to help the faction go to its fullest potential. Id like to share anything I know about factions and learn more about it from more experienced players :) Thank you for reading.
[quote author=Skyrun02 link=topic=3503.msg17174#msg17174 date=1435691538]
Age: Skyrun02
Gender: Male
Timezone: GMT0
Minecraft name: u know it
Pervious faction: Vindictus
Skype: Yea
Why do I want to join: Im looking for a new powerful faction to join and to join the otherside of the war, this faction is already known and popular throught out CubeBuilders, Im looking for a faction that I can support and can support me. Id like a new faction thats helpful and will have a say and some power over other people. Im looking forward to being able to turn the sides and possible crush Factions. It would be enjoyment for me and for the faction. Also Im looking for a super active faction. Id like to help the faction go to its fullest potential. Id like to share anything I know about factions and learn more about it from more experienced players :) Thank you for reading.
I like your reasoning for wanting to join our faction, but there are a few minor problems. 1. From personal experience I know that you do not talk in skype at all. Another problem with this is It seems like once you are part of a powerful faction and if that faction falls, you will most likely want to abandon that faction to go to a more powerful faction. Im sorry skyrun but we cant have a member that will leave us as soon as the faction falls,(from personal experiance of leaving AE after it started to fall) thank you for taking the time to fill out this application. :D
I accept the rejection but here is some answers to the problems :D
I dont talk in Skype as I share a room with my brother he is annoying af. I was once in a powerful faction as thats me I deem my self as a very talented player I would leave if it fell as who wouldnt ? if you were only that person in the faction online everyday. I left AE as no one was active and John left he was the reason I joined.The faction wasnt safe as no one was active enough to do the obby walls.
Thats my reply but thanks for the answer :)
Age: 9 (Dont Judge Me ;-;)
Gender: Female
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Minecraft IGN: Crush_
Prevouis Facs: SkyStar (Current Atm), Mountains, ShadowFox, EnchantedForest. ( I Forget The Rest Sorry!)
Skype: Yes, But I Cant Talk 2 Some1 I Dont Know (Due To My Parents)
Why Do I Want To Join: Because Im A Very Loyal, And Active Player. I Like To Mine, Raid, And Am Able To Deal With Problems In The Faction. I Also Applied For AkiraEnderPrises But Booyah Never Responded, Nor Anyone Else.
Just A Side Note: I May Travel Soon And I Will Also Be Going To A Wedding Out Of Town In August.
Age: 13
Gender: Male
Timezone: Middle Eastern Time Zone
Minecraft IGN: Skate_Rat_Boss
Previous Fac: Redstone
Skype: yea
Why Do I Want To Join: I want to join a more powerfull base and a base that has experience in factions. I also wanted to join a faction that is active, and ive looked at my bros (twinbow) minecraft sometimes and saw that xBOOYAHx is online a lot. My bro trusted BOOYAH so i think i could trust him and his fac as well. Hopefully u trust me and i am pretty active.
[quote author=Kawaii Cat link=topic=3503.msg17606#msg17606 date=1436041372]
Age: 9 (Dont Judge Me ;-;)
Gender: Female
Timezone: Eastern Time Zone
Minecraft IGN: Crush_
Prevouis Facs: SkyStar (Current Atm), Mountains, ShadowFox, EnchantedForest. ( I Forget The Rest Sorry!)
Skype: Yes, But I Cant Talk 2 Some1 I Dont Know (Due To My Parents)
Why Do I Want To Join: Because Im A Very Loyal, And Active Player. I Like To Mine, Raid, And Am Able To Deal With Problems In The Faction. I Also Applied For AkiraEnderPrises But Booyah Never Responded, Nor Anyone Else.
Just A Side Note: I May Travel Soon And I Will Also Be Going To A Wedding Out Of Town In August.
Im sorry crush_, but you have put some false information was applied. The information that was false was the info of ontime. I see that your on time is okay but hardly any of it is spent in factions. If you fix this problem I will think again of accepting your application. Info for ontime is here: http://cubebuilders.net/index.php/topic,3503.0.html. Also during raids and such things like that we will need to use skype to be able to communicate in a more efficient way, so see if your parents can make an exception for this. Thank you for applying and try to get that faction ontime up :D.
Age: Donuts got nu age.... so yeahh
Gender: Female donut 8)
Timezone: Same as taelie ;)
Minecraft IGN: DerpehDonut -,-
Previous Fac: Fantasia, waw just waw
Skype: DUHHHHH lel
Why ya want ta joinnn: Bc Booyah to mgl for me......... and k8 is gr8. and donuts are love. btw im online a lot.........
I may have a problem....