Post by: SkyrunPvP - August 5th, 2015, 9:05:38 am
Alright Illuminus Im here to apply again most of you will agree again to say "no" but here it goes.
Alright I admit that I have been in a mixup between factions recently and leaving to go to Vindictus was a mistake I sould of stayed in AE but I didnt feel like anyone would make AE undead anymore I was in a really stupid situation which I did not like.
About me trying to raid you: I did try to raid as I guess I go on a rampage sometimes killing anyone I will not care who it is but I have fixed the outside of your base which I have caused I gave back all the loot I raided but I still dont feel right Im sorry I guess I was just egtting bored and wanted to have some fun.
I have had conflicts woth some of your members which I hope blows over which we had some pretty nasty arguments which they were not meant to be like that.
I left Demisile as they completely killed trolled any enemy they saw which wasnt my liking and they treated me as their slave which I also hated they did not know what they were doing.
I know you are not recruiting right now but this is just a little message.
Age: 14
Timezone:GMT 0
Minecraft IGN: Skyrun02
Previous Factions: Outerhaven, Akiraenderprises and Demisile ;/.
Do you have skype: Yes I do ;) (I will talk Promised)
Why do you wanna join Illuminus: The main reason I want to join Illuminus is because looking at the applications, and the your replies, is this is the hardest recruitment process I have ever seen. The main problem with my previous factions I was apart of was it was too easy, I got Mod in only a couple of weeks. This obviously led to the faction getting betrayed three times, and the leader not letting me handle the recruitment process. Also, this faction has experienced people, and while Im not good at all at cannoning, and only good at pvping, I want to become a better played, and I think that this faction can help me do both of those things, mainly cannoning as it seems like such an amazing manipulation of in-game mechanics.