Hello! Ive finally made my own faction and Ill only accept up to nine applications and only two of the people who applied and helped, get to be moderators for my faction. Heres the application you need to Copy and Paste. There is no age limit but I prefer eleven and up. If you are younger youll have a bigger chance of not being accepted.
Past IGN(s):
Real Name:
Do you have Skype?:
Scale on 1-10 of these MC topics
Why I should accept you:
Will you ever betray my faction and why:
1. Someone in our faction has raided us and left. What do you do?:
2. Someone has raided our faction.(not in our faction) What is your response?:
3. You are at half a heart, have no food, and your hunger bar is low. What do you do?:
Good luck!!
UPDATE: I have found two moderators and they are PaulieAnn and rtd321. So please do not ask to be moderator in my faction. Have fun! ;D