Past IGN(s): DaddyBaker (dont judge, it was my dads account)
IGN: StarryOwlWarrior
Real Name: Izzy
Age: 11
Do you have Skype?:Yes
Scale on 1-10 of these MC topics
PVP: 7
Why I should accept you: Im looking for a kind faction with nice people and Ive heard good things about DreamBound. Also, Im nice and welcoming.
Will you ever betray my faction and why: I wont because Im very loyal and think that its wrong to betray someone.
1. Someone in our faction has raided us and left. What do you do?: I help rebuild the faction, get more supplies and tell leader/mod what happened and I will also try to keep other faction mates calm.
2. Someone has raided our faction.(not in our faction) What is your response?: I help rebuild the faction and tell the leader and mods who it was.
3. You are at half a heart, have no food, and your hunger bar is low. What do you do?: I go either back to home or hunt/go to spawn just depends