a new rank that anyone can apply for but not hackers

Re: a new rank that anyone can apply for but not hackers
Post by: Karow - October 14th, 2014, 4:44:21 pm

Currently, Siggi is manually updating all the plug-ins now. Updates before 1.8 used to be done within a day or two. BUT! Recently, Mojang got greedy, they decided to screw over the coders that would update all the 100s of plugins of all the thousands of servers for free. They used to work really hard and not sleep for days (a bit overexaggarated, but true). Mojang just recently eliminated them! This is why we havent gotten 1.8, same with all of the other servers.*

*Disclaimer: This is the lamens terms in-a-nutshell over-simplified explanation of whats been happening server-side.

SO NOW, updating to 1.8 is our top most priority. We are constantly working towards updating it. Once we get over this huge code-updating-mountain, we will be able to really consider adding ideas. Right now, if we were to add more stuff to our server, when we updated to 1.8, the plugins would be broken.

We are trying and working as hard as we can right now, so please be patient! Also, please know that we ARE considering all ideas right now, but for the future of our server! :)

Re: a new rank that anyone can apply for but not hackers
Post by: maggiethatcher69 - October 15th, 2014, 2:50:15 pm

I would love if there was a mini-helper rank for people over 10 because im not old enough to be helper...

Re: a new rank that anyone can apply for but not hackers
Post by: weaponmaster4247 - October 16th, 2014, 12:33:43 pm

And Im a pickpocket irl so if you might have a wallet in hand and you see me then you wont have one 5 seconds later jk jk but really this rank would be awesome for some of us and last but not least this is for Karow. Thx for replying about this rank that I wanted because I wouldve kept making these types of topics so thx alot

Re: a new rank that anyone can apply for but not hackers
Post by: maggiethatcher69 - October 16th, 2014, 1:11:23 pm

;D people can make me smile so easily

Re: a new rank that anyone can apply for but not hackers
Post by: Akiraff - November 5th, 2014, 8:00:56 am

If you are suggesting a new rank "Builder", I would be against the idea. Personally builders are very risky when it comes to creating new buildings, spawns and etc. I am against because this may increase griefers and simply players spawning items which gives unfair advantages to other players.

A safer aproach
If you are planning to build a new spawn area or buildings you got to talk with one of staffs in CubeBuilders or Siggi itself in order to compromise it. You claim a 128x128 plot and work with it, if you are running out of space ensure to contact one of the Administrators in order to help you out. We ONLY extend plot areas for players who are helping to construct an area for CubeBuilders.

Final note as Lord Pancake mentioned, it is time consuming the fact you got to gather plugins and mods for a new type of rank and thereby you are simply wasting your time.

Quick summary
- I am against the idea of "Builder" rank
- Ask CubeBuilders staff or Siggi to expand your plot (applies for certain circumstances)
- Lord Pancake mentions about being time consuming, which agree with him

CubeBuilders Administrator

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