A PvP cubetoken reward

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: chaptermaster118 - March 21st, 2015, 1:27:31 am

[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=1337.msg9609#msg9609 date=1426900353]
[quote author=chaptermaster118 link=topic=1337.msg9454#msg9454 date=1426763374]
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[quote author=Waterfa1133 link=topic=1337.msg9362#msg9362 date=1426590536]
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[quote author=slimestein link=topic=1337.msg9287#msg9287 date=1426513098]
[quote author=chaptermaster118 link=topic=1337.msg9258#msg9258 date=1426462497]
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[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=1337.msg8933#msg8933 date=1426039498]
Great idea! I would like to build on this suggestion. Since players may abuse this feature, we should make it so if you kill a person and get a reward, you will only get another reward for killing that same person at least 10 minutes later.

example: Retro kills Slime 5:00PM - gets reward. Retro kills Slime 5:02PM - no reward. Retro kills Slime 5:05PM - gets reward.
Good luck killing me:)

What if I already killed you?? Dun Dun Dun Game Over!!
Only died 4 times in factions

I have your head though or use to before I lost my account =P
I made sure that Live destroyed the last of my heads some weeks ago.

Well it is your head so i dont remember how I got it D: Did live really destroy it Dun dun dun
Live destroyed the last head of mine and she owned it.

How do i have one then?
Should be immpossible
Does this mean I am a hacker 0.0 Just ban me just do it =P

Guys there is life outdoors. Just saying...

CubeBuilder Adminitrator

Is there really o.0 I dont want to go outside though I dont know what is out there ):
wow this is epic lets see if it crashes the server XD

Wait what I dont understand? please explain.
[/quote]You and slimestein should own the reward for most replies on a single post.

I want to win I dont think slime earned it :}
[/quote]*sigh* does it really matter?

Yes duh >_>

How much is the prize? ._.

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: Livetabon - March 21st, 2015, 1:34:45 pm

If this feature ever does get implemented it would not count per kill (for people can abuse this feature.) It would be for 5+ players and be kill streaks, you would need to kill different people and have a kill streak in order to get any cube tokens and the amount would be small too. (2-4 ct max imo) to prevent the prizes from stacking just in case you and a group of 5 friends get together and decide to try to farm it at 3am when the majority of our player base is offline.

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 23rd, 2015, 1:54:13 pm

[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=1337.msg9747#msg9747 date=1426959285]
If this feature ever does get implemented it would not count per kill (for people can abuse this feature.) It would be for 5+ players and be kill streaks, you would need to kill different people and have a kill streak in order to get any cube tokens and the amount would be small too. (2-4 ct max imo) to prevent the prizes from stacking just in case you and a group of 5 friends get together and decide to try to farm it at 3am when the majority of our player base is offline.
[/quote]That was basically my idea. It would be either your way, for example 5 kills = tokens, or my way, 5 minutes - 1 kill = tokens.

Yea, you probably dont get it xD

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