Roleplay Plugin Suggestion

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: OrzaRound - May 23rd, 2015, 12:02:30 pm

Additions I suggest:

-People could do /setrp and in the text it says

*(Username) Set an rp up. Do /rp join to join

-An Rp chat

Like: -(Rpname) [Username]: Blah blah

-Setting ur rp name /rpname (Name)

-Rp charcter /rpchar (Gender) [Creature] (Age) (Description)

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: Peppah - May 31st, 2015, 10:05:35 am

I really like the idea! And hyper i looked at ur profile pic, and I was blinded.

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: Diligxnce - July 8th, 2015, 10:48:40 pm

[quote author=Matthewcraft8 link=topic=2629.msg15159#msg15159 date=1432396950]
Additions I suggest:

-People could do /setrp and in the text it says

*(Username) Set an rp up. Do /rp join to join

-An Rp chat

Like: -(Rpname) [Username]: Blah blah

-Setting ur rp name /rpname (Name)

-Rp charcter /rpchar (Gender) [Creature] (Age) (Description)

If youre suggesting a private chat room thing too, then thats not what I was thinking about. And, the command includes it all in one. Example: /roleplay (Name/Creature/Age). However, there is a word limit so your suggestion sounds pretty cool, except for the /rp join. A private chatroom would probably be kind of boring...

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: Diligxnce - July 8th, 2015, 10:49:55 pm

Thanks Pepper! Id thought it be a cool new addition to the server, yet I dont have a say! All I can do is suggest. xD

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: StativeSpencer - July 8th, 2015, 10:59:41 pm

Awesome idea Id like to see this on cubebuilders

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: Amaterasu6k - July 9th, 2015, 12:49:41 am

Not too bad of an idea, i would actually like this so i will finally know whats happening.

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: dtown2002 - July 9th, 2015, 9:55:47 am

This is a great idea! I sometimes do rps and every time I have to write out like this Brady: Oh no Lucy broke her foot!! really fast and its hard. This will change everything and be much easier.

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: Ferocelion - July 10th, 2015, 7:07:53 pm

[quote author=Matthewcraft8 link=topic=2629.msg15159#msg15159 date=1432396950]
Additions I suggest:

-People could do /setrp and in the text it says

*(Username) Set an rp up. Do /rp join to join

-An Rp chat

Like: -(Rpname) [Username]: Blah blah

-Setting ur rp name /rpname (Name)

-Rp charcter /rpchar (Gender) [Creature] (Age) (Description)

I think its a really good idea to add that in creative so that people are less confused of whos talking really in chat or whos talking in the rp. Also, adding the command that you can make your own name instead of buying ranks to change your name to do an rp. Since I dont like doing this type of chatting, --> Ferocelion: [Rp name]: Hi <-- It would make it easier for everyone to rp. Especially for the people that like rping, -cough- unlike me -cough-

Re: Roleplay Plugin Suggestion
Post by: CornOnTheCobalt - July 20th, 2015, 1:17:21 am

AMAZING idea!!!!!!!

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