Post by: PsycoKC - August 1st, 2015, 6:23:40 pm

is this still up? you already got your answer and yet it is like in the middle of the first page... there not gonna add it :) there not gonna add anything else. not diamonds, emeralds, gold, NOTHING! nothing that will get you op. I already think it is a bad idea that donars get to buy potions. so because they are richer then other people, they get to buy all the potions they need? what if minecraft is the only game I have? I live in a 500 sqft house. I am very poor. we have 1 old, 1999 pc that we all use. both parents work extremely hard with 2 jobs and only getting about 3 hours of sleep each night? and I am trying to get my base really good. then these rich kids come on and are like im gonna buy a donar rank today. BOOM he has all these potions and then raids all the poor kids because they cant buy ranks.

Post by: DaCoolCreeper - August 5th, 2015, 7:07:49 pm

Ok 2 random

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