Plug-Ins and Kits

Plug-Ins and Kits
Post by: SupremeCritz - August 9th, 2015, 3:25:34 pm

TO help this server become more faction like i think that somebody should install an obby breaker plug in so we can break an obby base cuz now anyone with an obby base basically has an un raidable god base. So i think we should get that pug in cuz ive seen a lot of other servers with that. I also think that u should add some armor and sword kits to the donator ranks so it would promote more people to buying the ranks and every one would have diamond armor enchanted as good as u think as well as the sword and maybe u can add bow and loads of other stuff but those are some of my opinions to help faction server be a very good one.

Re: Plug-Ins and Kits
Post by: Akiraff - August 9th, 2015, 11:23:24 pm

Please refer all of them in Suggestion board. Ensure to research, before making an identical thread about it.

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