YouTube Rank

Re: YouTube Rank
Post by: daonlydagger - October 26th, 2015, 2:34:17 pm

Personally, I agree that we have a youtube rank on the server, but I think that it should be very difficult in order to get. I think that if the server was to put the minimum subs being 100 in order to get youtuber rank, there will be a point where there will be too many youtuber rank people to the point where the rank will mean next to nothing. I think that at the very minimum, a person should have at least 1k subs. I know that this is a very difficult thing to do, but it is possible, and it shows that you are someone that people want to watch. I also think that a person should have to have an average number of views per video. What that average should be, I dont know, but it will have to be a fairly large number, so that the server name is getting out there to a larger number of people.

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