God Armor in CT store?

Re: God Armor in CT store?
Post by: LightningLegend - November 14th, 2015, 12:18:42 am

[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=5077.msg27192#msg27192 date=1447432648]
[quote author=Yvetal123 link=topic=5077.msg27187#msg27187 date=1447377196]
[quote author=xQuantum link=topic=5077.msg27182#msg27182 date=1447373352]
I kind of agree with Actual Pixel, shouldnt you earn it by yourself? I just dont know if Factions is more of a towny server rather than a survival server. But anyways they were in the CT Store before but got taken out for some reason I think.
[/quote] yeah It shouldnt be added then you can just spend a lot of time on minigames and get a god set, it wouldnt be fair. God armor is earned with hard work, not simply earning a lot of cubetokens of one task.
[/quote]But guys I dont mean regular P4 unbreaking3 armor. So for example, a chestplate would have protection 4, fire protection 4, blast protection 4, and unbreaking 3.

Its the same with ct godswords. They arent regular sharp 5 unbreaking 3 fire 2 swords, they have EVERY sword enchant other than knockback.
You forgot projectile protection jeez bro

Re: God Armor in CT store?
Post by: vvanqu1sh - November 14th, 2015, 12:08:40 pm

[quote author=LightningLegend link=topic=5077.msg27201#msg27201 date=1447478322]
[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=5077.msg27192#msg27192 date=1447432648]
[quote author=Yvetal123 link=topic=5077.msg27187#msg27187 date=1447377196]
[quote author=xQuantum link=topic=5077.msg27182#msg27182 date=1447373352]
I kind of agree with Actual Pixel, shouldnt you earn it by yourself? I just dont know if Factions is more of a towny server rather than a survival server. But anyways they were in the CT Store before but got taken out for some reason I think.
[/quote] yeah It shouldnt be added then you can just spend a lot of time on minigames and get a god set, it wouldnt be fair. God armor is earned with hard work, not simply earning a lot of cubetokens of one task.
[/quote]But guys I dont mean regular P4 unbreaking3 armor. So for example, a chestplate would have protection 4, fire protection 4, blast protection 4, and unbreaking 3.

Its the same with ct godswords. They arent regular sharp 5 unbreaking 3 fire 2 swords, they have EVERY sword enchant other than knockback.
You forgot projectile protection jeez bro
[/quote]woops sorry :O


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