The Cubetokens Store: Bows

The Cubetokens Store: Bows
Post by: ChessNuts - February 17th, 2014, 11:18:17 am

I found it very hard to enchant a bow to good standards in Survival, but maybe adding a bow with somethig like Infinity I, and Flame I would be not just helpful for me, but for (pretty much) everyone else. Name it something like Super Sniper. Also, you could add some arrows to the store too.

Re: The Cubetokens Store: Bows
Post by: KeepingItCrafted - February 17th, 2014, 5:19:26 pm

Chessss731, I think this is a great idea! Guys dont say this is fake cos me and chess are really good friends irl, but this was something i really wanted too. A level 30 enchant only gave me unbreaking 2 on my bow. I got so annoyed! So in conclusion, Siggi if your reading this, you add iron golems spawners after I asked you, now Im asking for flame/infinite/power/punch bows

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