Faction Name Recognition

Faction Name Recognition
Post by: Toys - April 2nd, 2014, 1:48:31 pm

In-Game Name: Toys

Date of Suggestion: April 2, 2014

Suggestion Description: I see that in the server I can only see my rank, Member. I dont seem to see the name of my faction anywhere around my rank or name, therefor I dont know who belongs to what faction. Is there a specific reason this is disabled? My suggestion is to add the name of the faction to the left of the rank with "[" and "]" Enclosing the name of the faction.

Thank you,

Re: Faction Name Recognition
Post by: SiggiJG - April 4th, 2014, 10:05:22 am

The faction name will not be added as a prefix. It was in fact there previously, but was removed as it takes up too much space in the chat. If you played CubeBuilders a little longer, youll know that the players rank used to be enclosed in square brackets. Those were removed too, for the purpose of clearing up a little more space for the chat.

To find out which faction someone belongs to, type /f show (name) where (name) is the players name.

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