Adding more plugins

Adding more plugins
Post by: ChaseReese - April 15th, 2014, 4:21:05 pm

I think the server would be a lot more fun with just some jocosity plugins that add more to the server. Like wouldnt it be awesome to have your whole faction in a room sitting in chairs(stairs). Just little things add more diversity to the server. Now Im not some expert on plugins but I i know some plugins are buggy and then theres always needing to be fixing and problem causing but why not experiment? "Minecraft has no limits, imagination is in the users hands". Why settle for eating carrots, when you can set out and eat golden carrots. Thats my suggestion. Im not saying the server is bad or needing work. Im only giving ideas to make the server have some merriment amongst its users (my opinion). Also if you ever run blanks on ideas ask me! ;D

Re: Adding more plugins
Post by: ChessNuts - April 29th, 2014, 2:22:55 pm

To get more plugins, we need people to MAKE them ^_^ so if you fancy a nice Developer prefix make a plugin and post your creation with a staff application here:,6.0.html and within 72 hours or so you could become a plugin developer of CubeBuilders! Good luck!

Re: Adding more plugins
Post by: ChaseReese - April 30th, 2014, 3:26:48 pm

Only if I knew how :P I love coming up with ideas though.

Re: Adding more plugins
Post by: ctcuff - May 1st, 2014, 5:33:41 am

Id love to be the person to add plugins! I actually have an idea for a casino plugin where you guess three random numbers and get money! Im still working on the randomized numbers though :P i just need my application to be reviewed :(

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