Teleportation disabled during PVP

Teleportation disabled during PVP
Post by: Aikaboy - May 28th, 2014, 5:24:38 pm

It would be very useful if teleportation was disabled after being hit during pvp. This would fix the problem of people, especially those who have donated from simply teleporting away, having to only simply type the command and escape. The staff are very good at moderating this, but there have been times at which donators have abused this command. Also, the fact that a delay was added on ender pearls is great! But if you upped it to 30-60 secs it would allow for pvp be reasonable, I speak for Webmant, Pray4Death and myself when it comes to pvp, becoming very frustrating. Thanks for taking the time to read this.


Re: Teleportation disabled during PVP
Post by: Pray4Death - May 28th, 2014, 5:44:40 pm

I agree with this

Re: Teleportation disabled during PVP
Post by: chipsquared - May 28th, 2014, 10:08:58 pm

I will notify Siggi88 of this. I agree that players who engage others in PVP should not feel like they missed out on gear because a donator teleported. This will be looked into and discussed with the positives as well as negatives if the implantation is put into effect. Please be patient if you dont see it as fast as youd like.

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