World Border

World Border
Post by: Jawshy - May 29th, 2014, 10:44:15 pm

I just noticed that this server doesnt have a world border. This server is not a huge server with hundreds of people online at a time. I am just suggesting that we implement a world border of around 20k x 20k so we can make raiding a possible thing for this server. People can run for like 50-100k blocks and will be so spread apart, that they wont ever be raided. From my past experiences in other factions servers, there are two factors to it: PvP and Raiding. On this server there is mainly only PvP. Its nearly impossible to find a good factions base when everyone is so far away from the spawnpoint. Please put my suggestion into consideration to improve the overall gameplay of this great server! Thank you for reading, Joshua.

Re: World Border
Post by: DarthNexxus - June 2nd, 2014, 11:20:17 pm

As the owner of a powerful fac i can say that this may not happen first off if you do so we will have to move all the facs ok and know one wunt to do that i have been raided 4 tiem and im over the 100000x and z if you wunt to can find any one just saying ; :-\

Re: World Border
Post by: chipsquared - June 2nd, 2014, 11:32:36 pm

This idea has been considered multiple times by staff members as well as owners and at this given faction map will not be implemented. Perhaps in the not so distant future you may see what you look for ;).

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