stealing should not be an acceptable gaming strategy

stealing should not be an acceptable gaming strategy
Post by: Mrkbo - June 7th, 2014, 3:22:44 pm

I recently accepted timt10 as my first faction member. He asked to join, and so I made him a member. I logged off for awhile, and when I returned all of my ore was gone. timt10 returned some of it, and demanded that if I wanted the rest of it, I would have to tpa to him away from spawn. Since I dont play with thieves, and since his demand was that I must leave spawn to get my stuff back, I of course said no. Obviously, it was some kind of trap, and timt10, being a liar and thief, wasnt going to return anything he had stolen anyway (if in fact he stole it, or did he just let some cohorts in to take the ore?). The amount of ore that I had mined was enormous. I spent a lot of time in caves and mines to get it. Its value must have been likewise great.
My suggestion is that this is in no way beneficial to positive and fun game play. I dont mind losing my stuff in battle, or losing it to another faction, because this contributes to the enjoyment of all. But this underhanded, dishonest, disgusting tactic benefits no one, save the one thief. Why this is not cheating is difficult for me to imagine. I am told that it is not, which in my opinion it is deplorable. My suggestion to improve the game, of course, is to call this what it really is; it is cheating. It should not be allowed.

A moment ago I wrote a positive recommendation for cubebuilders at MCT top servers. I certainly hope I didnt make a mistake.

Re: stealing should not be an acceptable gaming strategy
Post by: Pray4Death - June 7th, 2014, 9:12:17 pm

its factions so of course there are going to be thieves just invite people to your faction who you think are trustworthy

Re: stealing should not be an acceptable gaming strategy
Post by: chipsquared - June 7th, 2014, 9:57:26 pm

This is a factions server. Lying, stealing, and raiding are all acceptable and forms of betraying and destroying other factions. If he hacked his way into your base it would be a different server, but the fact that he manipulated his way into your trust is acceptable. Please in the future before posting any more "report abuse" you have all the facts. This is the second time you have posted either false accusations or acceptable forms of raiding on the forums. I would strongly encourage you to read the rules and if you find abuse take screenshots. I appreciate your dedication and concern and hope to see you on the server soon.

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