Found one again [font=thonburi]thonburi[/font]
Found one again [font=thonburi]thonburi[/font]
[quote author=One link=topic=4029.msg20864#msg20864 date=1437692351]
There are some secret things on the forums, such as secret colors sky blue and cyan, even silver and gold!
There are also some secret fonts, like [font=zapfino]zapfino, [/font][font=avenir]avenir,[/font] [font=synchrolet]synchro,[/font] [font=papyrus]papyrus[/font] and [font=casual]casual[/font].
This is pretty cool!
This is also a secret, size 99
Found 2 colors azure and darkgrey
[quote author=dtown2002LuvLuna link=topic=4029.msg21015#msg21015 date=1437745068]
I found 2 colors Purple and Pink!!
LDL those were already there their not secret
[quote author=dtown2002LuvLuna link=topic=4029.msg21020#msg21020 date=1437745498]
How bout this!! Magenta!!
That ones new
[quote author=One link=topic=4029.msg21024#msg21024 date=1437746519]
dtown i already told you to stop commenting or combine your posts into 1 post, you are being really spammy trying to get up your post count. if i did the same would you like it?
Okay listen ik u 2 are fighting for top poster, and I want you guys to stop or I will mute both of u guys. K?
Good dtown. Ignore one who is being fussy about ur posts, and find all the perrty colors u want! ;D
[quote author=One link=topic=4029.msg21038#msg21038 date=1437747295]
And he went from 400 to 480 posts in 24 hours.
Actually it was somewhere from 48-72 hours...